In addition to the International Machine Tool Engineers' Conference (IMEC), which focuses on cutting-edge technology trends, authorities and pioneers in various industries will be invited as lecturers to provide the latest information on manufacturing.

Visitors can experience the depth and latest trends in "Monozukuri" (manufacturing) through special exhibitions.

Programs will be held to pique students’ interest in the world of “Monozukuri” (manufacturing) and to help them choose future career paths.

- Installation of an Academic Area (provisional)
A variety of new programs are planned in this area to connect exhibitors with the next generation of students. - Further advancements in DX
Information will be available for continuous release on the official website and through social media to increase visitors’ interest and excitement. Data will also be provided through a wide range of media in order to actively attract visitors located a distance away who may be difficult to reach directly. - Provision of an extensive range of services on-site
A full range of services, including shuttle bus and jumbo taxi services, will be available at the venue to improve accessibility to the east, west and south exhibition halls and conference tower.
(Details will be provided separately in the AM Area Exhibition Guide.)
1Advertising and Publicity Campaigns
Announcements for JIMTOF 2024 will be posted in national newspapers and trade papers and on various internet media sites. Influential foreign media specializing in machine tools will also be encouraged to run articles covering JIMTOF before and during the fair.
【Countries and regions of media at JIMTOF 2022】
China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Republic of South Africa, Thailand, U.S.A., Taiwan
2Promotional Activities at Related to
Trade Fairs
Activities calling for exhibitors and to attract visitors to JIMTOF will be conducted at related trade fairs in Japan and abroad. Exhibition booths for promotional activities will also be set up and press conferences organized at exhibition sites overseas to provide local stakeholders with information about JIMTOF.
【Participation in past exhibitions (e.g.) 】
IMTS (U.S.A.), IMTEX FORMING (India), SIMTOS (Korea), CCMT (China), TIMTOS×TMTS (Taiwan), EMO MILANO (Italy), METALLOBRABOTKA (Russia), CIMT (China)
3Information on Official Website and Social Media
Information about JIMTOF, including seminars and other programs, will be disseminated via the official website, which has over 1.6 million page views per month. Updates about the fair will also be posted official social media sites (Twitter and Facebook).
4Information via E-mail Newsletter
Newsletters will be e-mailed regularly to past JIMTOF visitors and those who have registered for JIMTOF 2024 in order to generate interest in the period leading up to the fair.
5Requests for Cooperation in Japan to
Attract Visitors
Organized promotional activities will be conducted to attract more visitors, such as requests for cooperation from industrial associations, administrative agencies, and other related groups throughout Japan.
【Requests for cooperation in the past】
Requests sent to 133 groups in 16 prefectures